Blog Intelligence

The goal is to reach some conclusions about our comfort levels and skills with best practices in the formation of shared intelligence, an important ingredient of social capital. This blog is in partnership with a wiki page and static web pages and any back channel email that participants want to send to each other. Read below. Your comments are essential! The essay that introduces blogging and new forms of sharing intelligence can be found at Blog Thinking.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


A Process for Thinking

New media addresses the challenges of growing social capital in new ways. Four possible conclusions will follow from the study of blogs and their wider roll with other media. These may all be wrong or more need to be added. To add comments to the posts provided below is easy. Click the comment field; be bold; speak up. However, to initiate a new posting requires being added to the member list for this blog. Just email me ( to request posting status.

This blog page should be used to share comments. After some period of time for each numbered comment, someone will need to click the wiki link in the top frame, then find the EditText link near the bottom of the wiki page. Create a summary of the comments for each numbered section in the wiki page. You won't believe how easy it is to edit until you try it. After all four sections have become edited summaries in the wiki page, email should be sent to me as project administrator. For the final phase, I will copy the wiki page into the static page which is titled conclusions in the top frame.

If only this blog page is visible, click Formative-Summative and the frameset will appear that pulls together this partnership of media tools: blog, wiki and static pages.

1. The Pace of Posting

Blog sites would be useful in getting the word out on a variety of topics, however, there are some concerns. It seems challenging for blog authors to set the expectations of others. One must find a pace of posting information that does not overcrowd the to-do list for the week.

2. Wiki Design and Revision

Wiki design is challenging in that it looks too easy to erase anything. It is difficult to believe that the wiki history of edits works well in making reversions to earlier editions.

3. A Writer's Attitude

Are people bold enough to project their own thinking into team blogs and collaborative writing pages? Boldness to write, tempered with humbleness in dealing with the feedback of others might be a challenging level for team members to reach.

4. Formative/Summative

4. Formative and summative communication represent new ideas that require more thought. Inviting others to blog comment and wiki edit as a priority over using email is so new an idea that more time for reflection and study is needed.


May 2005  

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